Case Study: Kathleen Kennedy is Getting Fired!

Kathleen Kennedy,

The internet has forever changed the way we communicate. The people we surround ourselves with, the ways we keep in touch with them, and even the ways we define community are all drastically different now than they were even ten years ago. In many ways, it helps us communicate, while also sometimes debilitating our traditional means of discussion.

One of the results of all these new capabilities is the ability to discover like-minded individuals across the planet, and even further develop a sense of like-mindedness through influential messaging and a bit of groupthink. Misinformation loves groupthink. These internet communities vary greatly in size from small local groups on Facebook to massive operations such as QAnon.

One of these pockets developed shortly after Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4.4 billion in 2012. Online fandoms have always been places of passionate debate and speculation, not necessarily known for rigorous fact-checking, but what I’ll refer to as the Dark Side of Star Wars fandom really found its wings once Lucasfilm started releasing new Star Wars films in 2015. When disapproval over creative choices was weaponized via some of the more controversial YouTubers, bloggers, and podcasters, a lot of fingers started to point toward Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm. The claim after every perceived stumble that Lucasfilm makes is:

Kathleen Kennedy is Getting Fired

Let’s look at a very specific recent instance of this claim:

“Kathleen Kennedy Fired From Lucasfilm,” Vito on YouTube

Note: the above image is intentionally not a link to the video discussed here in an attempt to limit traffic and prevent a spike in views. See, I do my part.

The claim made in this video is that Kennedy is going to be fired “soon” from her position with Lucasfilm. My alarm goes off as this is a claim I’ve literally heard for years, so let’s dive in and see how reliable this information is.

Before I even get to the contents of the video that makes this claim, I’m going to take a quick look at the source. A quick look at his YouTube profile reveals that Vito has been around since 2010 and has over 34 million views at the time I’m writing this. He’s got 348,000 subscribers and posts roughly 2-5 videos in an average month. In YouTube terms, that’s a pretty well-established source.

Now let’s look at his typical video content.

Vito’s most recent videos on YouTube as of April 8, 2023

Vito’s clearly targeting people’s emotions by framing almost every video he makes about a “disaster” or just listing all the ways in which he’s been disappointed by a piece of media. This is a red flag that tells me Vito isn’t going to release a video about Kathleen Kennedy unless there’s some opportunity for him to criticize or insult her. The tendency to criticize everything he posts about sets up an expectation that he doesn’t just expect her to get fired, but also that he wants her gone. Now we’re seeing some incentive for him (and by extension his viewers) to want to believe this news.

So let’s look at the video. It starts with an all-out thrashing of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy — just a few minutes of setting up impartiality /s. He then goes on a sexist rant about how a man should be in charge of Lucasfilm since Star Wars is for boys and a woman can’t understand it. He softens the blow however with a “Not to sound sexist, but…”

“So often we hear — from YouTubers we hear: Kathleen Kennedy’s getting fired next month, she’s getting fired next week, she’s getting fired tomorrow. We’ve been hearing this for years now. It’s never coming true. Well the rumor now is that Kathleen Kennedy is finally going to be out at Lucasfilm and I’m going to tell you why this time I think it might actually be for real.”

-Vito, Kathleen Kennedy Fired From Lucasfilm (YouTube)

So let’s look at his exact claim: he says that Hollywood insider John Campea has announced that, as part of Bob Iger’s return as CEO of Disney, Kennedy is on the chopping block. Now let’s trace the info back to its source and see what Mr. Campea said…

Who is His Source?

John Campea’s claim on his video was that, after claiming that Iger’s return cemented Kennedy’s future with Lucasfilm, he got an email from “somebody very connected” followed by a phone call from somebody “even more connected” telling him that he was wrong and that she will be let go around the time of Indiana Jones V’s release. No sources are given and he is the only one reporting this particular event. He goes on to express that he hopes it’s not true, but that these sources are very trusted.

John Campea’s most recent videos as of Aril 8, 2023

A quick look into Mr. Campea’s channel show’s he’s got 322K subscribers and posts very frequently. His videos tend to be fact-based and general entertainment news, not as inflammatory as someone like Vito. A Wikipedia search reveals that he’s worked in the film industry for over 15 years for companies like San Diego Comic Con, AMC Movie News, and Collider, so we have reason to believe he’s a reliable source, but who sent the email and made the phone call are still unknown.

So who else is reporting it?

Top Google search results for “kathleen kennedy fired,” April 8, 2023

A search on the phrase “kathleen kennedy fired” returns several results, but the sources leave something to be desired. Star Wars News Net, World of Reel, and definitely all spend time speculating about Star Wars, but trusted sources like Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, or Vanity Fair have no coverage at all. Hmm…

Switching over to the “videos” tab, we see there are in fact plenty of videos claiming this and they’re *checks notes* all from Mike Zeroh, a many-times debunked clickbait Star Wars YouTuber.


So now we are left with a claim by Vito, a YouTuber who has made a career of inciting rage and scapegoating Kathleen Kennedy that, based on his source (John Campea — not bad)’s source (unknown — bad), Kathleen Kennedy is being fired from Lucasfilm soon, a job she’s had since 2012 and has been rumored to be getting fired from since at least 2018.

There is no reason to believe Kathleen Kennedy is getting fired any time soon. She’s been in her current role for 11 years and for most of that time, the Dark Side of Star Wars fandom have been either claiming she’s about to be fired or calling for her to get fired– sometimes both. YouTubers who make dubious claims about insider information are incentivized to appeal to your emotions to drive traffic and earn more ad money. They face no repercussions for “getting it wrong” like a news organization would. Take what they say with a grain of salt, or just don’t take it at all. If something they say sounds interesting to you, see who else is reporting it before accepting it as fact.

Most importantly, if it sounds questionable, question it.

I Won The Misinformation Game. Twice.

The “Newsroom”

Misinformation is everywhere. Many of us are familiar with Russia’s efforts to affect the 2016 election on Facebook. Bots on Twitter are definitely a problem, even if we can’t agree on the scale of that problem. But if misinformation is everywhere, it only makes sense that anything that could inoculate us from that threat would need to be everywhere. Enter Tilt.

Disinformation-stomping developer Tilt has created a series of quick games that use research-based methods to expose how misinformation works. These are browser-based games, so you can play them on your PC, phone, iPad, even through Edge on your XBox (absolute torture). This is my experience with two of these games.

Bad News (2018)

Bad News title screen
“Bad News title screen” Tilt, 2018

In February 2018, Tilt released Bad News, a game that teaches players media literacy through inoculation theory. The idea is that by seeing how this all works and teaching people how they, too, could become a misinformation tycoon they will be better armed to spot and call out out fake news in the future.

The game is broken into 6 levels (Impersonation, Emotion, Polarization, Conspiracy, Discrediting, and Trolling), each representing a skill you must master in order to be a true disinformation star. This sets a clear expectation for how long this experience will likely take.

To start, the player is instructed to post something nasty on Twitter (in-game). A generic criticism of the government works for a while, but you’ll need to crank up the absurdity if you want to get some traction. You eventually create a Twitter account for JOE BIDEÑ, announcing a plan to annex Canada and rename it North North Dakota. I should stress that this game is pretty funny, too. #YouGotAnnexed

“Ünited States of Ameriça” Tilt, 2018

Periodically, you’ll check in with your followers to see what they’re saying about your “news site.” I went with the name Honest Truth Online because it was just dripping with the self-importance of some of my favorite disinformation peddlers.

Level-by-level, you’ll learn about each technique by giving orders to use a bot army or create memes, even prompting the player to use ad hominem attacks against fact checkers. This hand-holding experience keeps this game on the rails and prevents players from exploring just how depraved they might get if they could really run a misinformation empire.

Breaking Harmony Square

“Breaking Harmony Square title screen” Tilt, 2020

At first glance, Breaking Harmony Square appears to be Bad News… again. And it kind of is. The gameplay is incredibly similar, the goals seem the same, and it even includes the same in-game surveys (for further research by Tilt). There are however two key differences:

1.) You get to name yourself Carmen Sanfrancisco

“Absolutely No Hesitation” Tilt, 2020

2) It’s local.

When I say the gameplay is similar, I mean it’s almost entirely the same game. Aesthetically, it’s a bit more advanced, with a wider color palette and cartoonish style, but playing through the first few levels felt like déjà vu. I didn’t quite understand why they would make a second game that seemed to do exactly the same thing as the first.

It took a while for me to really grasp what was going on here. Where Bad News was a text-based tycoon style game illustrating how one might use a “news site” and social media to manipulate public opinion and incite unrest on a national scale, Harmony Square brings that same concept to your city council meeting. There are local problems, local reporters, and local reactions. You’re using the same techniques, but it’s all happening in a small town.

The Verdict

The problem of misinformation is not one that can be solved with one tool. Just as misinformation moguls push content through multiple social media, blog, and even television channels, so too must any who aim to fight misinformation be armed. These games offer a very quick and easy way to wrap your head around how misinformation starts, what its aims are, and most importantly, how to spot it.

Tilt states that the aim of these games (of which there are others, by the way) is to act as vaccines against misinformation. Lisa Poot, senior project manager at Tilt, in an interview with said “People’s minds can be inoculated, just like their bodies” and I really think that’s it. If we can train people how to misinform, we may have a chance to beat it.

Donald Trump Tried To Break the Media with “Fake News,” And Someone’s Got To Fix It

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

When considering a career in journalism, one must ponder such questions as “Can I make a real difference?,” “How will I survive on such meager pay?,” and “What am I even doing with my life?,” but perhaps my most vexing concern is “How will I get through to those that simply don’t trust the media?”

Where We’re At

People trust the media less now than at any time in the last 40 years. In a way, it’s hard for me to conceptualize that people whose sole job is supposed to be informing the public and shedding light on injustices, corruption, and new discoveries are some of the least-trusted people in the world. But alas, a Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2021 concluded that between 2016 and 2021, public trust in the media (in general) dropped from 76% to 58%. I know there are some bad actors in the field, but even if you could correct for that, 58% is shockingly low. So what gives?

How It Started

Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

Looking further into the Pew data, Democrats’ trust in media has declined somewhat, but around 2016, Republican’s trust of the media plummeted from 70% to 35%. Trust had been eroding bit by bit since 9/11, when every newsroom in America devoted everything to the terrorist attacks. What followed however was a slew of decisions based on ratings rather than facts.

The coverage of the US invasion of Iraq didn’t do any favors for building trust in the media either, with a rather strong pro-invasion bias appearing in much of the media. Additionally, the massive scope of the new 24-hour news cycle was riddled with blunders such as Geraldo Rivera’s accidental disclosure of classified battle plans.

The drastic cut in trust around 2016 however is a direct result of Donald Trump’s continuous attacks on news organizations such as The New York Times and Washington Post. In addition to creating nicknames such as “The Failing New York Times,” he went so far as to call the news media “the enemy of the American people.”

Trump’s war on the media has always resonated with his supporters, who often see any criticism of Trump as unfair and politically motivated.

The Role of Misinformation

Arguably, Donald Trump’s political career began with an infamous bit of misinformation. As early as 2011, Donald Trump played a key role in spreading the misinformation that President Barack Obama was not born in the US. As more and more Republican voters bought into this conspiracy theory (which was repeatedly debunked), Trump saw a winning formula for getting the support he needed to secure the Republican nomination for 2016. What followed was a milieu of falsehoods such as:

@nytgraphics on Twitter

or even

All of this is to say that Donald Trump did more to normalize conspiratorial thinking and distrust of experts (especially journalists) than anyone in modern history and the damage he’s done will take some time to repair.

Where We’re Headed

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

As we approach Donald Trump’s potential indictment this week, his supporters may soon be faced with yet another line they’ll have to cross: Once Trump is has been arrested, will they still support him? Inevitably, many will. He’s been impeached twice, banned from social media platforms, lost an election, incited a coup attempt, and was even dumped by longtime ally Fox News. Each time, he seems to bounce back, barely shedding any supporters.

What This All Means To Me

I recognize that it’s easy to vilify your political opponents in this increasingly polarized climate. It’s easy and even a little satisfying to fall into a pattern of simply trying to score points on the other side, and I admit I’ve been guilty of that on occasion (see @theothersean on Twitter).

That said, my relationship with Donald Trump’s assault on truth is not just one of mere disagreement. I am not blogging about the man because I didn’t vote for him or because I disagree with him on, well, just about everything.

I’m shining a light on him particularly because as a journalist, it is literally my job to clean up his mess.

(Mis)Adventures in (Mis)Information

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

After 24 hours analyzing my media consumption, let me tell you: we all have some work to do.

Ferreting out misinformation is tedious work. We all know it’s out there, lurking on the dark web, in extremist Facebook groups, and of course on a certain “news” channel whose name I am omitting in an effort to keep this blog Fair & Balanced.

I spent 24 hours recording my media diet—much as one might track calories on an actual diet—to see how healthy my consumption of information is. You’ll note it is not midnight-to-midnight, but rather 7:30pm-to-7:30pm. I suppose that’s incredibly me. Anyway, here are the results:

My 24-Hour Media Diet

7:30pm: (at work) We’re short-staffed and we close in a couple hours, but I managed to squeak in a quick look at the New York Times app. scrolled a bit and ended up with a piece about how black vultures now inhabit New York City thanks to Climate change. Real uplifting stuff. It’s from the New York Times, whom I generally trust to get facts right, and vultures in NYC seem pretty verifiably there or not there, so I move along.

8:00pm: I have a conversation with a coworker about Donald Trump’s impending arrest this week. It really is popping up everywhere, but I first saw it on Twitter as Ron Filipkowski (independent right-wing watchdog- definitely biased, but based) posted a screenshot of the former president’s all-caps declaration form Truth Social earlier. I’m not on Truth Social, but I’ve seen the same screenshot making the rounds all day. I find it and show him.

@RonFilipkowski on Twitter

10:00pm: After work, I head to a friend’s house and have a couple beers and some faux-chicken dip. No media (other than a great new wave playlist) is consumed. I head home and go to bed.

10:00am: It’s not the character trait I’m proudest of, but the first thing I do when I wake up is get back on Twitter. I see Kat Abughazaleh (video producer for Media Matters for America and Tucker Carlson expert) is asking for bad memes with liberal bias, specifically about Fox News’ alleged categorization by the FCC as “entertainment” for a new video she’s working on. I’m sort of familiar Fox having used that defense in court, specifically for Tucker Carlson. The story goes that “no reasonable person could consider his show news” or something to that effect. I look it up and sure enough, there is no such thing as an FCC classification. Now I’m really looking forward to her video.

@abughazalehkat and @NotThatJesus on twitter

11:30am: After making the kids breakfast, we hang out and play some games. Not a lot of facts to check other than my son claiming he’s “goated.”

12:00pm: At the kids’ request (I’m so very proud), we watch The Empire Strikes Back.

4:00pm: While running errands, I listen to NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. It’s a fun episode with some great jokes about the impending seaweed blob attack headed to the east coast this summer. I verified with a few sources that this was, in fact, not a bluff the listener challenge. Of note, was an ad for tonight’s episode of On The Media, which is about— drum roll… talk radio’s media bias! I’m absolutely listening.

6:30pm: I watch a bit of the Pistons/Magic Game.

The Nuclear Option

7:00pm: I’ve gone almost 24 hours and haven’t come across anything that really strikes me as misinformation. I’ve seen misinformation-adjacent things (Kat’s tweet, the ad for On The Media), but haven’t really gotten anything meaty. So I do what I must…

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not explicitly trying to drag Fox News, but I have a half hour left to try and spot some misinformation, so I’m looking for some low-hanging fruit. I’ve never seen Sunday Night in America, but I’m hoping this Gowdy fellow will give me at least a morsel I can work with. Reader, I am swimming in morsels.

The top story for tonight’s show is how unfair it is that Trump is set to be arrested on Tuesday. More specifically, it is a hit piece on New York Attorney General Alvin Bragg. I’ve seen a lot of commentary on Twitter that Trump attacking Bragg’s character is really a tasteless thing to do, but here’s a “news” organization doing the same thin. I hear language like “God forbid you pay someone hush money,” and “…will lead to the demise of our country” all while Gowdy answers his own questions more than he lets his guests respond. He does so in a very raised voice as well. I am really seeing the “no reasonable person could believe this is news” defense playing out before me.

One point that they keep hammering on is the fact that Bragg has pledged to reduce sentences for a lot of people and won’t be pursuing arrests for a lot of crimes that New York traditionally might have. They draw a false equivalence to Trump’s situation asking “Why are they going after him?” as if his situation is the same as a teenager from a marginalized community carrying marijuana.

A quick bit of fact-checking shows that his intentions for not prosecuting as many people is that he believes these prosecutions are hurting the black community. CNN reports that in a memo released to the NYPD, Bragg claims states that he had guns pointed at him multiple times growing up Black in Harlem. This was incredibly easy information for me to find, yet Fox News chose to leave all of the important context out of the story in an attempt to discredit Bragg as a partisan hack. This is manipulative and there is clear intent to sway viewers to a political position.

It’s been a long time since I’ve actually watched Fox News, but it is just the same as I remember.

Even the ads were dubious. There were promos for supplements from Balance of Nature and Super Beets, who claim they are—and I am not making this up—the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Beet Brand. Both products have websites full of rave reviews, but amazon reviews like this one:

My Takeaway

Overall, I feel like my media diet is healthier than my actual diet. I subjected myself to Fox News today and that was a whole thing, but I also ate some Taco Bell, so it really wasn’t my finest day. I really do try to consider sources and only put trust in organizations and individuals who earn it. Honestly, I don’t know exactly how we’re going to get through the normalization of all this misinformation, but I’m certainly willing to work on that.