Photo by History in HD on Unsplash In 2011, Donald Trump went on Fox News and made a claim that started an absolute wildfire in the conspiracy theory community. A theory that had been floating around the internet for years finally got the exposure it needed, and Birtherism erupted, engulfing half of the Republican partyContinue reading “Birtherism – How Desperation and Fear Created a New Ideology”
Category Archives: Donald Trump
Another 24 Hours
Earlier this year I took a college class about misinformation. I learned techniques to spot it, ways we can avoid it, and even how to pre-bunk it, or stop it in its tracks. The very first assignment was to analyze 24 hours of my own personal media consumption. In that particular class, I was reallyContinue reading “Another 24 Hours”
Donald Trump Tried To Break the Media with “Fake News,” And Someone’s Got To Fix It
Photo by History in HD on Unsplash When considering a career in journalism, one must ponder such questions as “Can I make a real difference?,” “How will I survive on such meager pay?,” and “What am I even doing with my life?,” but perhaps my most vexing concern is “How will I get through toContinue reading “Donald Trump Tried To Break the Media with “Fake News,” And Someone’s Got To Fix It”