It’s Easy If You Try – A Look at John Lennon’s “Imagine” Through a Modern Humanist Lens

Imagine Mosaic at Central Park. Photo by Erin Song on Unsplash C to a brief Cmaj7, resolving to an F followed by a gentle three-note chromatic run before resolving back to a C and repeating. It’s music speak, yes. But when you hear the first few measures of John Lennon’s “Imagine” on a piano, youContinue reading “It’s Easy If You Try – A Look at John Lennon’s “Imagine” Through a Modern Humanist Lens”

Four Years Later, The Big Bang Theory Still Bugs Me

Image © TV Guide Here’s why. In September 2007, CBS debuted a new primetime comedy about four nerds navigating their way through a world that just didn’t understand them. You had a couple of genius young physicists, jokes about Star Trek, painful wardrobe choices, and a group of friends that all had their ownContinue reading “Four Years Later, The Big Bang Theory Still Bugs Me”

Birtherism – How Desperation and Fear Created a New Ideology

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash In 2011, Donald Trump went on Fox News and made a claim that started an absolute wildfire in the conspiracy theory community. A theory that had been floating around the internet for years finally got the exposure it needed, and Birtherism erupted, engulfing half of the Republican partyContinue reading “Birtherism – How Desperation and Fear Created a New Ideology”

A Case Study in Misinformation: Chemtrails in the UK

Photo by Joachim Süß on Unsplash The fact that my spell checker doesn’t recognize “chemtrails” as a word should tell you something about their existence, but here we are… On September 7th, a Facebook user in the UK posted a video of him removing a reddish-colored layer of sand off his car with a magnet.Continue reading “A Case Study in Misinformation: Chemtrails in the UK”

Overshare: My 24 Hours of Data Privacy

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash “No one knows you better than you know yourself.” Madonna While I see how it’s useful, this Madonna quote isn’t 100% true in the digital age. We’re all pretty familiar with our likes and dislikes, quirks, and ambitions, but today’s digital marketers have built an entire industry around knowingContinue reading “Overshare: My 24 Hours of Data Privacy”

As Reliance on the Internet Grows, So Does the Need for Net Neutrality

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash As the spring of 2020 turned from “two weeks off school” to a global health emergency, people around the world had to learn and adapt to new methods for almost every aspect of life. Schools went remote, people wore masks, work form home became ubiquitous, and services like InstaCartContinue reading “As Reliance on the Internet Grows, So Does the Need for Net Neutrality”

How To Talk To Young Kids About Misinformation

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash Misinformation is a particularly messy problem. And problems this messy often require a wide array of tools to solve. It’s hard enough protecting yourself from fake news, but it’s quite a different process teaching your kids to spot it. If you have young children, teaching them to avoid misinformationContinue reading “How To Talk To Young Kids About Misinformation”

You Can Learn A Lot From A Platform’s Misinformation Policy

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash With misinformation spreading faster than a virus in a ball pit, online communities are having to devote more and more time to finding that misinformation and figuring out what to do with it. Some sites, like Facebook, have become breeding grounds for misinformation and no amount of mitigation measuresContinue reading “You Can Learn A Lot From A Platform’s Misinformation Policy”

Case Study: Kathleen Kennedy is Getting Fired!

Kathleen Kennedy, The internet has forever changed the way we communicate. The people we surround ourselves with, the ways we keep in touch with them, and even the ways we define community are all drastically different now than they were even ten years ago. In many ways, it helps us communicate, while also sometimesContinue reading “Case Study: Kathleen Kennedy is Getting Fired!”